I am very excited about launching my new website gregrills.com Phoenix Rising-Vibrant Energy and writing my first post.
The first question I asked myself was what do I blog about that hasn’t been blogged to death and would be relevant to people who were looking to explore alternative energy medicine and healing?
I decided that we needed to address the basis of this practice, and that’s the energy body.
Many people aren’t aware that they have an Energy Body in addition to a physical body. As a Shamanic Energy Practitioner I work with the energy body to keep you healthy and fit.
So what is this “Energy Body”?
The Energy Body is a luminous field of energy that surrounds the body like a bubble. It extends six feet around us in every direction. Imagine you are enveloped in a translucent, multicolored orb, a rainbow body of light, if you will. * “It’s as important to keep this energy body healthy as it is to keep your physical body healthy”.
Maybe even more so: the Energy Body is separate and remains intact as the physical body ages and dies. The Energy Body is also continually informed by both the positive and negative incidents we experience during our life.
When talking about the Energy Body, we also must make reference to the Chakras. You probably have heard of the chakras, or energy centers. They are a part of the anatomy of the energy body, the luminous energy field. They are swirling vortexes that take in the vital pure energy of the Energy Body. They feed and nurture us emotionally, spiritually and creatively. The chakras govern our moods, our emotions and physical wellbeing. If the chakras are not performing optimally, or if they are blocked, we feel “off.”
In the Peruvian Q’ero Shamanic tradition there are 9 chakras. In the coming months we will go through the anatomy of all of the chakras.
The importance of healing the Energy Body
We exercise and eat healthy in order to keep the physical body healthy and functioning at peak levels a, similarly we need to keep the energy body in shape.
Unresolved psychological and spiritual traumas and toxic energy become engraved like scratch marks in our energy body and can produce disease in the physical, mental and spiritual body. It is essential to keep our energy body clear of toxic heavy energy.
If you’re experiencing
Addictions (sex, drugs, alcohol, food, exercise etc), intimacy issues, sexual compulsion, identity issues, low motivation, or actual physical illness.
If you’re feeling:
Powerless and lonely, lacking self-worth, fragmented on soul-level, numb, disenfranchised, spiritually bankrupt and disconnected from your higher-power.
It could be evidence of an energetic imbalance that needs reconciliation
Here are some tips to keep the energy body clear and flowing.
- Meditation- just 5 min a day can help still the mind, allowing heavy energy to be released from our energy body. This could be as simple as just sitting, palms open on your thighs and just listening for your breath. Set the timer on your phone for just 5 minutes and try to focus on nothing than your breath.
- Yoga- opens the chakras to release heavy energy. Twists can help you open the naval chakra, which will aid in how you digest not only your food, but also your emotions
- Kundalini rapid breathing- combusts heavy energies and brings back energy flow though out the body. (Exhale from your nose and force all of the air from your lungs by contracting your abdominal muscles. The inhale is simply allowing the air to flow back into your lungs without any effort. Continue this exercise by contracting your abdomen to expel all air from your lungs and quickly inhaling (allowing) the air to automatically expand your lungs. One breath is considered a exhale and a inhale in rapid succession. It’s most effective when done in 3 rounds. One round is 60 breaths, then pause for 60 seconds and do another round of 60 and then one more round of 60.
- Contact me for a Shamanic Healing session to release soul wounds, toxic energies, traumas ….old stories about ourselves.
Next month we will explore the root Chakra and how to keep it clear!
* Alberto Villoldo-PHD Medical Anthropologist, Founder Four Winds Society
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